Have you gotten into the world of home recording? Today’s gear spotlight is on Neural DSP!
Founded in 2017, Neural DSP is a developer and provider of sound processing software and hardware designed for the music industry. The company offers different “virtual” amplifiers and software solutions based on an advanced algorithm and machine learning for both internal tooling and black-box modeling product, providing musicians full automation of time-consuming and non-creative production work at a lower cost.
Neural DSP offers many different “plugin packs” containing highly customizable virtual amplifiers, which can modify the sound of a guitar when it is connected to a computer (generally through an Audio Interface/Sound Card). Think of it as using a computer program as an amplifier! A few of the artists that have signature plugin packs with Neural DSP are Gojira, Cory Wong, and Tosin Abasi of Animals as Leaders.
Neural DSP also manufactures the Quad Cortex, a physical pedal unit to capture, share, and download your favorite rigs’ sounds. Equipped with unique biomimetic AI technology, Quad Cortex can learn and replicate the sonic characteristics of any physical amplifier, overdrive, and cabinet with unprecedented accuracy.
Check below for a video tutorial and intro to Plugins – what they are, and how to use them!
We currently offer Video Conference lessons if you’d like to learn about the ongoing history of music with a professional!
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