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September 2, 2024

Making Guitar Fun: Choosing Between Music Notation and TAB for Your Child

A bright and inviting image of an adult teaching a 7-year-old child to play guitar in a cozy, modern home setting. The child is smiling and engaged, holding a guitar with the correct number of four fingers, while the adult guides them with a properly shaped left hand. There is a music stand nearby showing sheet music. The atmosphere is warm and encouraging, with soft lighting and vibrant colors. The background includes subtle elements like a couch, bookshelf, and plants to give a comfortable, lived-in feel.

Learn the Fun Way

When it comes to learning guitar, there are numerous approaches available, but one thing remains constant in Go Guitar's philosophy: learning should always be fun. Whether you or your child are just beginning their musical journey or has been strumming for a while, we believe that the most effective learning happens when the experience is enjoyable and tailored to the student’s interests.

To Read Music or Not to Read Music?

This is a common question for many students and parents – should you or your child learn to read traditional sheet music or stick to a more modern approach like tablature (TAB)? The answer largely depends on your goals, your preferences, and the method that resonates best with you or your child.

At Go Guitar, our philosophy is clear: if a student expresses interest in learning classical guitar or if there is a specific goal of learning to read music, we start right away with a method book that uses traditional musical notation. Classical guitar, with its rich history and intricate compositions, almost always requires a strong foundation in reading music. Starting with notation in these cases ensures that the student is well-prepared to explore this beautiful genre.

For instruments like guitar, bass, and ukulele, it is common to use TAB. TAB is a simplified form of notation that represents the strings and frets on the instrument, making it easier for beginners to start playing songs they love. This method is particularly effective for those more interested in playing popular music. TAB allows students to dive into playing right away, fostering a sense of achievement and keeping the learning process fun and engaging.

Learning via TAB and chord charts is especially well-suited for popular music. These tools make it easier to learn the songs you or your child hear on the radio or stream online, making the music more accessible and relevant to your everyday lives. This method helps students feel connected to the music they love, encouraging them to practice more and enjoy the learning process.

However, when it comes to piano, our approach differs. For piano students, our default is to teach using traditional music notation. This is because sheet music is more commonly used for piano, allowing students to develop a deeper understanding of music theory and a stronger foundation in reading music, which is essential for progressing in this instrument. However, due to the growing popularity of YouTube video tutorials, many piano players are now learning without sheet music, and we can also accommodate this method if preferred.

As students progress to the later intermediate and advanced stages, we introduce them to reading music on their chosen instrument. By this point, they have already developed a solid foundation in playing, and learning to read music becomes a natural next step in their musical education. This gradual approach ensures that students are not overwhelmed early on and allows them to build confidence in their playing abilities.

Many of the world’s most famous rock, pop, blues, and country guitarists, like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Eddie Van Halen, never learned to read music. Instead, they developed their skills by ear, through face-to-face lessons, and with the help of chord charts. This organic approach allowed them to express themselves freely and creatively, and it can do the same for you or your child.

For many students, a combined approach using a method book along with TAB notation proves to be both effective and enjoyable. Imagine the thrill of playing your favorite songs after just a few lessons! This method fosters a deep connection to the music, encouraging students to keep practicing and improving. Our approach also includes student-requested songs, which adds an element of personalization and fun that keeps students of all ages engaged and motivated.

This program has a high rate of success, as evidenced by the incredible performances of our students in our end-of-year concerts and virtual performances. Seeing progress come to life on stage is an unforgettable experience for both students and their families.

Reading Music: Opening New Doors

On the other hand, learning to read traditional musical notation can be a rewarding experience in itself. Reading is a fun and enriching activity, whether it’s novels, comics, or even musical scores. Musical notation is a fascinating and intricate language that can open up new worlds for you or your child. It enables you to tackle classical or jazz guitar pieces, understand and write music for other instruments, or even participate in school musicals or community performances.

In today's music industry, being able to read music is increasingly common, even for professional guitarists. Artists like Ian Thornley (Big Wreck), Ryan Guldemond (Mother Mother), Arianna Powell (guitarist for Halsey, Olivia Rodrigo, and the Black Eyed Peas), and Bibi McGill (guitarist for Beyoncé and Pink) are just a few examples of musicians who have formal training in music reading.

We have many students who thrive with this method, too. The beauty of learning to read music is that it allows the brain to work on mastering this skill while the hands develop the physical techniques required to play. This balanced approach ensures that your musical education is well-rounded. And don’t worry – even if you or your child choose to learn to read music, we always incorporate fun elements like chord charts and favorite songs to keep the learning process exciting. Theory, composition, ear training, and improvisation are also key components of our program, ensuring a comprehensive musical education.

Choosing the Right Path for Your Musical Journey

As you or your child begin working with a teacher, you'll have the opportunity to make choices about how to learn and what styles of music to explore. We encourage you to be involved in these decisions. The right approach depends on your interests, goals, and learning style. Whether you choose to read music, use TAB, or a combination of both, we are here to make sure that the learning experience is both educational and fun.

No matter what path you choose, our commitment is to create a joyful and engaging learning environment that fosters a lifelong love of music.

Start Your Guitar Learning Journey Today

Whether you're about to begin your lessons with us or you're considering joining the Go Guitar family, we’re excited to help you or your child discover the joy of playing guitar. Our personalized, fun, and effective teaching methods are designed to meet you wherever you are in your musical journey, from classical to popular music, and from reading sheet music to mastering TAB.

For those about to start, get ready for an engaging and rewarding experience that will make learning guitar both enjoyable and effective. And if you’re still thinking about it, don’t miss the chance to bring the gift of music into your life.

Sign up for a trial lesson today and see firsthand why so many students and parents trust Go Guitar for their musical education.

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