Young Songwriters Program

Coming Soon

Young Songwriters Program

This course is perfect for students age 7-17 who have already started learning the guitar. In this program students will team up and learn the basics of how to write songs step by step completing tasks and mini projects.

Have fun while learning how to write music:

  • Learn the basics of song writing  from experienced musicians
  • Team up with other students and learn how to jam
  • Have fun while learning in a group class

What You'll Learn

Students will learn:

  • How to write effective chord progressions and melodies that can be used in many different styles
  • How to jam with other students
  • Stronger music theory such as understanding Keys, Scales, Nashville number system, how to transpose a song, CAGED system and Arpeggios


Students should already know some open chords such as: A, Am, C, D, Dm, E, Em, F, G. They should also know one open scale such as: C major or A minor.

Program Length

Classes will be 1.5hrs long and will run once per week for 6 weeks

Program Cost




Photo of Francis O'Keefe
Francis O’keefe
Francis has been playing guitar for 25 years with 20 years of live experience. He's been a part of over 10 studio albums and has been in many Hard Rock, Rock, Acoustic, Alternative and Blues bands. Self-taught with a full understanding of music theory, he knows that hard work and passion are what make anyone great. With over 10 years of teaching experience, he is able to bring his knowledge to his students in an effective and efficient way.
Francis O’keefe

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